Admire the beautiful architectural style of the fortress and palaces of the Alhambra. The Alhambra was a palace, a fortress and a citadel. Experience the Alhambra, the most important and fascinating monument in Islamic Spain and one of the most visited sights in Spain!

Reserveer Casa Anhelando

Minimum verblijf – 7 Nachten.
De reservering is pas definitief nadat je een ontvangstbevestiging van ons hebt ontvangen.
Klik hier om de tarieven te bekijken.

Book Casa Anhelando

Minimum stay – 7 Nights.
The reservation is only final after you have received confirmation of receipt from us.
Click here to view rates.

Reservar Casa Anhelando

Estancia mínima – 7 Noches.
La reserva sólo será definitiva después de que haya recibido nuestra confirmación de recepción.
Haga clic aquí para ver tarifas.