Playa Calahonda is without doubt Nerja’s most iconic beach. It is also the most photographed, as it seems to adorn just about every Nerja postcard or calendar.

Reserveer Casa Anhelando

Minimum verblijf – 7 Nachten.
De reservering is pas definitief nadat je een ontvangstbevestiging van ons hebt ontvangen.
Klik hier om de tarieven te bekijken.

Book Casa Anhelando

Minimum stay – 7 Nights.
The reservation is only final after you have received confirmation of receipt from us.
Click here to view rates.

Reservar Casa Anhelando

Estancia mínima – 7 Noches.
La reserva sólo será definitiva después de que haya recibido nuestra confirmación de recepción.
Haga clic aquí para ver tarifas.